5 Online Ways To Invest Your Resources And Make Profitable Returns As A Nigerian Student

Introduction To 5 Online Ways To Invest Your Resources And Make Profitable Returns As A Student In Nigeria:

The present economic situation of Nigeria demands ingenuity to survive. Of course, no one needs to tell you that since you are leaving and schooling in Nigeria. You must have felt the heat one way or the other. Even if you are living by faith and believing that all is well even in the well. Because we are very religious people in Nigeria, many show strong hope and confidence in the supernatural. But even at that, you need to desire to leave the well if you ever want to live the life you are designed to live. After all, faith without work is dead. If you fail to do something, nothing good comes your way. And I know that is not the life you desire for yourself.

Therefore, you would need to spend yourself, time, money and part of all you have on certain profitable ventures that may fetch you a living in case you didn’t secure a white collar job, instead of mastering the skill of writing application letters and answering job interviews. The best recommendation would be to invest your time and energy learning how to be a successful entrepreneur.


You know why?


The white collar job you’re applying for does not exist.

There is something that is fast replacing white collar job. That is, online entrepreneurship.


There is much money out there in the internet than any of us can ever imagine. Gratefully many Nigerians are already there making thousands of dollars. You need to prepare your mind to be one of them.


You see, I’m not talking about criminals who defraud people off their money. No, they bring curses upon themselves. Never involve yourself in such a life. Instead there are opportunities to make money legitimately in the online space.


However, tapping into such online ventures that would bring you profitable financial returns doesn’t have to be when you leave school!




There are many reasons, but the most pertinent to me is that you are at a better position to receive money from parents, friends and well-wishers when you are in school than when you’re done schooling. You know that when you leave school, your pocket money would stop flowing. Not just that it would stop, but you would be expected to grow up by paying some of your bills, job or no job.


Again, if you start when you’re still in school, before you get through, you must have gained some experiences or expertise that may position you well for financial success.


Truly, there are a lot of areas to consider when it comes to online ways to invest your resources and make profitable returns as a student in Nigeria, but I have carefully selected the best, most suitable and practicable for you as a student in Nigeria. What I am presenting here is not an exhaustive list.


Therefore, in this post, I would be sharing with you, 5 Online Ways To Invest Your Resources And Make Profitable Returns As A Student In Nigeria. If you take action based on the wisdom of this post I assure you to be one of the young millionaires in Nigeria 5 years from now.




Learn A Skill While They Prepare To Give You A Degree Paper:

Having passed through the Nigerian system ,with all the emphasis on seminars and projects, one wonders how most Nigerian students have come out the best even in the global arena.


Well, one conclusion is that many Nigerian students study beyond what they are taught in the classroom. They explore the intellectual world beyond the ordinary lectures in the classrooms.


Indeed, this is what higher education should involve. By the way, Nigerians are one of the greatest hustlers that want to make something out of life no matter what.


However, there is a lot of book work and little skill in the system that leaves students impotent after graduation. The demands of the 21st century go beyond intellectual prowess. It is the era of values and skills.


Therefore, if you as a Nigerian student still focus all your time writing assignments and defending your seminar and project, you would learn the hard way after collecting your N.Y.S.C certificate. The reason is that surviving in the 21st century demands more than that.


I recently ventured into a masters degree program in education. One of the things I studied that changed my life is the need for what is known as the 21st century skills. I got to understand for the first time that any education that fails to impact these skills in question runs a dysfunctional system, and is unfit for the 21st century student who is also known as a global citizen.


There 3 categories of 21st century skills.




Learning skills.

Literacy skills and

Life skills.

Although the 3 categories are very important, the greatest that makes you explore the potentials of your world and makes you relevant in this digital age is the literacy skills. I wouldn’t discuss the other two because they are not my priority in this post. That does not mean that they are not important.


See, my understanding is that if you do not have these set of skills, you are considered an illiterate in the 21st century, your intellectual ability not withstanding.


Literacy skills comprise 3 sub-skills. That is; Information Skill, Media skill and Technology Skill.


Beyond the textbooks, these skills position you to function in a digital world. They prepare you to access data, filter it, process it and use the technology that empowers the digital world effectively as a global citizen.


It is these literacy skills that would help you prepare, package, project and market the skills or values at your disposal to the whole world. Because with internet, you can reach out to the whole world and make money without limits.


Recently, I watched a video on YouTube where a social media influencer said that your social media profile can market you to the world.


You can use the social media to tell the world who you are, what you can offer or do offer and that could bring you more traffic than you taught possible. And I was like, “wow, where have I been and I didn’t know this?”


I quickly edited my twitter profile to include my blog site. And you know what, even the Facebook, Wattsapp and other social media platforms that many are just wasting their lives with, are making millionaires out of many. You too, can become one of them.


You can check out my post on 7 Online investment ideas that are turning people into millionaires:


See, this is how people are getting rich today. No more mysteries or secrets. Truly, the portals of wealth are open to all. Knowing how to prepare, package, project and market who you are, what you have, what you discovered, how you see things, how you intend to solve problems and help some set of people succeed is key to limitless wealth in the 21st century and beyond.


Just one little swift and the multitude follows you. Sometimes, just one click and the millions starts flowing.


The potentials of the internet blow my mind friends. No invention of man has ever afforded men the opportunity to succeed without limits than the internet. All you need is to have a value. Then know how to package and project that value and you see wealth. There are even people who are making millions for teaching you how to package and project your values.


The good news is that there are free online training platforms you can begin with on almost every area of your interest.


You can check out the following posts from other platforms too.


Free Google Courses.


  • 10 Great Free Online Courses for Social Media Marketing


Look for more if the 2 links above does not give you what you want. Moreover, don’t limit yourself to free courses. Although you could begin with them, they come with a lot of limitations. Invest in your future.


As a student in Nigeria, this should be your greatest priority, because it is your greatest economic need.


Invest Your Time In Freelance Writing:

People who lack the time, energy or expertise to complete certain tasks are ready to hire those who have the time, energy and expertise needed to complete those tasks. While the freelancers part with their money, the clients part with satisfaction for a completed task of their choice. This is what freelancing is all about, exchanging values for cash.


There are platforms in the internet that has made this easy. Through these platforms, service or value providers meet their clients for business. It is a win-win and win arrangement. The platform itself makes money by receiving a percentage of what the clients pay to the freelancers on their platform.


You might as well check out the following information as packaged by other bloggers.


  • 7 Tips to Help You Succeed as a Freelance Professional


How To Become A Successful Freelancer: A 5-Step Guide


You know why I recommend freelancing for students?


There are arrangements that allow those who can’t take up the jobs as full time freelancers to still do part time. As a student, you can sign up as one doing it as a side hustle.


The implication is that they would assign you jobs based on the maximum hours you can work per week. Perfect arrangement for students like you right?


The good news is that, as a Nigerian student, you can earn in Dollars and spend in Naira. You know what I mean. There is opportunity for freelancing in almost every area of life.


Just pick a niche of your choice and start doing your best.


Before long, you would smile to the bank and enjoy financial freedom.


Now, check out the following freelance platforms for a start.


  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • YunoJuno

Don’t just limit yourself to these. Browse for more. Get started today.



Invest Your Time Filling Online Surveys:

Online surveys are information research tools for companies, institutions and agencies for gathering useful information for themselves. These companies, institutions or agencies, may be offline or online. They need this information as a basis to make production, marketing and advertising decisions that would advance the cause of their products or services.


Of course, they know the potentials of having accurate knowledge, opinion or views of their target audiences. They equally know the power of money as a force of motivation to get what they want. Hence, they pay you to get the information they need for these decisions, promotions or campaigns.


They normally achieve this by contracting online survey agencies, which collect the data through the surveys you would be asked to fill for some tokens. Sometimes, such agencies may analyze the data and pass it on to the management for their decisions. The decisions taken as a result of these accurate information gathered, drives their company’s success. So, many of them are ready to pay more to get more information from people like you.


But always bear in mind that online surveys don’t pay so much. In fact, my conclusion is that online surveys are the least lucrative these days when it comes to making money online.


But think of it. There is a saying that half bread is better than none. Moreover, when you, as a Nigerian student earns in dollars, to spend in Naira, you know what it means. By the way, it is a means of earning passive income. It builds gradually.


This is one of the ways of making money without bothering for a startup capital too. All you just need is a smart phone, tablet, or laptop, which many of you have already, plus the normal data you subscribe for watching films and shows or browsing to complete your assignments.


Why not go ahead and check out the following online surveys to see if what they offer suits you?


  • SurveyMonkey
  • Swagbucks


You can as well check the following posts by other bloggers for more knowledge or information on this. Go ahead. Try them and keep trying. Something must click.


Best paid online survey sites


Paid Online Survey Sites to Earn You Extra Money| Family Finance




Invest Your Resources In Blogging:

There are no too many extraordinary requirements about starting a blog. However, I must say that blogging is not an online venture for everybody. I’m not trying to discourage you from venturing into it. After all, I’m writing this to inspire you to begin something profitable and start making money for yourself as a Nigerian student. But of course, not to go into what you cannot do well, owing to some factors.


From my experience and the experience of those who started blogging before me, I would be providing basic start up guides for you when it comes to starting a blog.


In fact, as I continue blogging, I discover that it is easier than those who teach blogging make it appear. Of course, when they make it look simple, it becomes too common that the trade may be in disrepute. This does not undermine the statement above that blogging is not for everybody.


I’m only saying that blogging is easy because you can blog virtually about anything and everything as long as there is a part of the world’s population that needs information on that area.


From stories that touch the heart, to relationship issues or just anything you fancy.


Perhaps, if you choose to blog on food, you have so much to talk about. You can blog on the processing of a certain food only. For instance, foods for diabetic patients and how to prepare them might be of interest to millions around the world who are suffering from diabetes.


Another may blog on food packaging ideas. Someone could blog on healthy dieting for those going through obesity.


Yet another may blog on how to take care of pets or raise puppies, travel overseas, rear rabbits for commercial purposes etc. The list is endless.


Again, the good thing is that when you start blogging on any of these, you would discover that millions around the world are searching for information on them.


To some of them, the information provided holds key to their living or dying, happiness or sorrow, success or failure, or that of someone closest to them.


See, I don’t believe there is any area of blogging that is not profitable. As long as your content provides your audience with what they want and what meets Google requirements, you would definitely make something out of blogging.


Now, as a student, you may begin to blog on the needs of people in the campus environment. As crazy as “how to be free from the clutches of cultists” is, or “how to pass certain exams” that causes nightmares to students, or “how to adapt faster in the school environment for freshers or oversea students, etc. They may form the basis of your blog.


Trust me, these areas pose much challenges to your fellow students in the University environment all over the world. Many get frustrated out of school, while others fail as a result of lack of direction on these areas. Blogging on how to navigate through such areas could be their savior and make you a successful blogger.


Can you think of other ideas?


The first thing to do when you want to start a blog is to make research and know as much as practicable about blogging on a general note.


The second step is to choose your area of interest in blogging. It is called niche. Then get as much information as possible on your chosen niche. Although choosing a niche requires few considerations, you would find lots of guides on how to choose a profitable niche for your blog.


One of the ways to gather relevant information on your niche is by Googling something like, “Top 10 blogs on dieting for students” That is, if you have chosen to blog on dieting for students.


See, while students in Nigeria may not fancy this, there are millions elsewhere that may be interested in it. And remember, you’re not writing for Nigerian students alone.


The third step after getting as much knowledge as possible on your niche is to build a website for your blog.


There are free websites, but they sustain a lot of limitations. You may not make much out of blogging using them. So, it is not advisable, if you want to make money blogging.


If you are not good in website building stuff, then hire someone who works in that area to do it for you.


When you are done with setting up your website, the fourth step would be to write your first blog post. Of course, by the time you would be gathering information on your niche, you must come up with ideas that you can start with.


For me, I started with what seem to be the basics of investing. My first blog post was on 5 EVERGREEN GUIDES FOR INVESTING WITHOUT TEARS


And the second which is like a sequel to the first was on 5 EVERGREEN GUIDES FOR PROFITABLE INVESTING


However, I later discovered that I shouldn’t have started with such topics at the beginning with such topics. You see, if you are planning on starting your own blog, you wouldn’t make the same mistake that I made.


Now, what type of posts should I have started with?


They are called ‘Response Posts’. These posts are based on a single idea. They are relatively short too.


Let me give you an example with this post you are reading now.


If I want to make this a response post, I might pick one among the 5 Online Ways To Invest Your Resources And Make Profitable Returns As A Student In Nigeria.


I might write something like ‘How To Invest Your Resources In Blogging And Make Profitable Returns As A Student In Nigeria’ as a response post.


While this whole article you are reading now contains more than 3,500 words, the latter, which is a response post, would be only about a thousand words or less. It would have also focused on a particular topic or way, rather than 7 ways.



Once you have started with such posts, you would write and post faster and your blog would rank faster on Google than those of us who started with long pillar post when we have not established authority in the niche .Then, the rest would be a story of success, if you would be consistent and patient.




Invest In Amazon KDP :

Amazon KDP is a real platform that allows people upload and publish their eBooks on Amazon platform for free. Many are testifying to the financial potentials of Amazon KDP.


Professional Authors and non professionals are making millions through it.


But there are about three important things I’m going to let you know about this platform of great financial potentials.


You don’t have to be an author to make money on Amazon KDP.

The pages of books you upload to make sales on Amazon KDP may not have to be long for you to sell and make money.

You need to learn the strategies to make money on Amazon KDP.

This last statement is what everyone who seems to know about Amazon KDP says. You need to be trained on how and what to upload and publish to make money on Amazon KDP. The good thing is that there are platforms that offer free training on it.


But I don’t think they give you all you need to make money on Amazon KDP. My understanding is that there are limitations to whatever is offered for free online.


But I recommend those platforms that offer affordable price for training you on the strategies for making money online. One of such platforms is Udemy . They charge ranging from 3,500, to #4,500 or more, for their training, depending on your choice.


You can try them if you want to make money on Amazon KDP.


On A Flash:

There are a lot of areas to consider when it comes to online ways to invest your resources and make profitable returns as a student in Nigeria, but I have carefully selected the best, most suitable and practicable for you as a student in Nigeria in this post.

Literacy skills, a subset of the 21st century skills would help you prepare, package, project and market the skills or values at your disposal to the whole world. Because with internet, you can reach out to the whole world and make money without limits, even as a student.

Freelancing is all about exchanging values for cash.

Online surveys are one of the ways of making money without bothering for a startup capital. All you just need is a smart phone, tablet, or laptop, plus the normal data you subscribe for watching films and shows or browsing to complete your assignments.

Now, as a student, you may begin to blog on the needs of people in the campus environment. As crazy as “how to be free from the clutches of cultists” is or “how to pass certain exams” that cause students nightmares, or “how to adapt faster in the school environment for freshers and oversea students, etc. These may form the basis of your blog.

While many are making millions on Amazon KDP, you need to be trained on how and what to upload and publish to make money on Amazon KDP.

Dear Nigerian student, the potentials of the internet blow my mind. No invention of man has ever afforded men the opportunity to succeed without limits than the internet. All you need is to have a value. Then know how to package and project that value and you see wealth. Since you have no excuse not to make money, I implore you to take the right actions NOW.


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