For The Love I Have For My Wife, I Slapped My Mother – Now I’m In Trouble “A man cries out”

For The Love I Have For My Wife, I Slapped My Mother – Now I’m finished!


I remember vividly my secondary school teacher whose sense of humor is legendary that remembering him now cracked me open.

Whenever we were having our Examination and busy with answering questions, he would warn us to make sure we finish with the questions asked us and not end up finished by the questions asked us. This would always make him ask whosoever stood up to announce to him that he has finished with his examination this;


“Are you sure you have finished or you are finished?” This means that if you didn’t attempt all questions, you are finished, but when you do, then you have finished. I can’t help laugh out loud.


A newly married young man sent a Reverend a disturbing issue of life situation he landed himself in simply because he took one commandment of God to be superior to another. To him, what is found in Ephesians 5:25 – 31 is more important to what is in Exodus 20:12


According to him, he had come back from a social gig and was drunk when his new wife welcomed him home with tears in her eyes. Without the benefit of the wise teaching as found in Proverbs 20:1, he charged after his mother who had come visiting and landed her two slaps that reformatted the poor woman’s brain and she fell down in a heap. His wife was in greater shock over her husband’s action. He walked into his room and jumped into bed and slept off.


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In the morning, what the snake swallowed in the night woke him up. His mother had called all her children living in Lagos to come see first-hand how badly her face is disfigured by slaps from a hefty man standing on 6.4.


That was when his siblings descended on both him and his new wife and added rainbow colors to their fair skin.


What actually happened was that mama had told her newest wife that she would not eat her ogbono soup as it doesn’t go well with her constitution and the heartbroken new wife who went out of her way to prepare such an exotic meal for her mother in law started shedding tears. Now this young husband who couldn’t stand his wife’s tears took offense and without the benefit of commonsense, committed an abomination.


He is still afraid that having fallen short of the only God’s Commandment with benefit of long life that he would not live to see his children children. Pray tell what do you say to this young man?



One thing it is to abuse any thing in life, especially, something like alcoholic beverage one is in the know that it upsets his faculties. Another scenerio is being conscious of your consumption guage by keeping a lid on it so that you no go do pass yourself. I have seen a man who came home and went straight to the bathroom and spread out inside the bathtub until morning. On waking up, he was down with pneumonia. This sickness never left him until his death.

No matter the amount of love you profess for your spouse, it is not enough to get you to put your hands on anybody not to think it towards any of your parents.


But this particular issue has to do with alcohol-induced misbehavior! Yes! Something led him into incurring such guilty conscience on himself aside the man handling from his siblings who must have descended on him in great fury. He saw his wife in tears, and as he couldn’t bear to see his wife distressed.

Because he was intoxicated and delirious from alcoholic consumption, his better sense of judgement became beclouded and he did what he never could believe he was capable of. The wife never knew her husband would go to that extent. Her handling of the mother’s in-law’s rejection of her culinary expertise was poor to say the least. Her shock palpable when her spouse descended on his mother.


In the final analysis, a family is thrown into crisis as a result of alcohol abuse. You can save yourself from a lot of bad when you remove yourself from every thing that brings you down.


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